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1. Lily Bulb with Asparagus and White Nuts 如意百合
2. King Oyster Mushroom and Yam with Basil 山药杏鲍菇
3. Three Flavors Vege Chicken with Herb 养生三杯鸡
4. Stir-Fried Cabbage and Oyster Mushroom with Goji Berries 枸杞包心菜
5. Fried Yam with Snow Peas and Bell Pepper 炒山药
6. Vege Beef and Yam with Black Pepper Sauce in Sizzling Plate 铁板山药黑椒牛
7. Vege Fish and Black Pepper Sauce with Yam 山药黑椒鱼片
8. Vege Shrimp Roll (8pcs) 素春卷
9. Vege Pork in Sesame Pita Bread (3pcs) 酱肉烧饼
10. Crispy Vege Seafood Roll (8pcs) 香酥海鲜卷
11. Vege Minced in Lettuce (4) 生菜鸽松
12. Crispy Sesame Vege Fish 芝麻小鱼干
13. Combination Cold Dish (6 Flavors) 一帆风顺大拼盘(六拼)
14. Philadelphia Summer Roll 清爽黄瓜寿司
15. Mixed Avocado with Secret Sauce 蜜汁拌牛油果
16. Spring Roll (6pcs) 素虾卷
17. Wheat Gluter with Brown Sauce (Cold Dish) 红烧烤麸
18. Smoked Bean Curd Skin (Cold Dish) 京熏素鹅
19. Vege Fish with Sweet Sauce (Cold Dish) 蘓式燻魚
20. Two Flavors Cold Dish 雙味拼盤
21. Three Flavors Cold Dish 三味拼盤
22. Four Flavors Cold Dish 四味拼盤
23. Combination Cold Dish 綜合大拼盤
24. Deep Fry Vege Pork Chop (4pcs) 酥炸排骨
25. Coral Seaweed 涼拌海珊瑚
26. Mushroom Roll (Cold Dish) 香菇卷
27. Daily Special 各式小菜(炸花生,泡菜)
28. House Special Soup 佛跳墻
29. Corn Soup (with Egg) 玉米湯
30. Vege Pork Stew Soup 台式肉羹湯
31. Vege Seafood Soup (with Egg) 翡翠羹
32. Bamboo Fungus Soup 竹笙湯
33. Wakame Seaweed Tofu Soup (with Egg) 海帶豆腐湯
34. Miso Soup 味增湯
35. Fresh Oyster Mushroom with Sour Mustard Pickle Soup in Hot Pot 客家酸菜鍋
36. Hot and Sour Soup (with Egg) 酸辣湯
37. Vege Shark's Fin Soup 三絲魚翅湯
38. Crispy Puff Pastry with Pumpkin Bisque 酥皮南瓜濃湯(每盅)
39. Soft Tofu and Eggplant with Basil in Hot Pot 紫茄豆腐煲
40. Tofu Ball and Vermicelli in Casserole 紅燒獅子頭砂鍋
41. Three Flavors Vege Chicken with Basil 三杯雞
42. Three Flavors Tofu 三杯豆腐
43. Pickled Napa Cabbage with Vermicelli in Casserole 酸白菜砂鍋
44. Vege Chicken, Yam, Sesane Oil and Thin Rice Noodle with Herb 藥膳麻油雞面綫
45. Three Flavors King Oyster Mushroom with Basil 三杯杏鮑菇
46. Combination Vege Clay Pot 大白菜砂鍋
47. Soft Tofu and Pumpkin with Brown Sauce in Hot Pot 南瓜豆腐煲
48. Vege Chicken and Sesame Oil with Thin Rice Noodle 麻油雞面綫
49. Vege Abalone with Vegetable 碧綠鮑魚
50. Fresh Bamboo Shoot 炒桂竹筍
51. Vege Fish with Hot Bean Sauce (Whole) 豆瓣五柳魚
52. Soft Tofu with Crispy Bean 豆酥豆腐
53. Vege, Shrimp and Squid in Fresh Pineapple 鳳梨三鮮
54. Vege Kung Pao Chicken (Soy) 宮保鷄丁
55. Vege Kuidney with Basil 九屠腰花
56. Crispy Oyster Mushroom 椒鹽蠔菇
57. Vege House Chicken with Brown Sauce (Mushroom) 左公雞
58. Crispy Vege Chicken Nuggets with Basil 鹽酥鷄塊
59. Vege Chicken Nuggets with Orange Peel 桔香鷄塊
60. Vege Chicken Nuggets with Curry Sauce 咖喱鷄塊
61. Vege Shrimp with Mayonnaise Sauce 美乃滋核桃蝦
62. Steamed Vege Fish 清蒸鱈魚
63. Vege Fish with Crispy Soy Bean Sauce 豆酥鱈魚
64. Vege Pan Fried Fish with Salt and Pepper 椒鹽帶魚
65. Vege Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce 醋溜魚片
66. Vege Chicken Nuggets with Kung Pao Sauce 宮保鷄塊
67. Vege Sweet and Sour Chicken (Mushroom) 咕咾雞
68. Fresh Mushroom with Vege Chicken (Soy) 蘑菇鷄丁
69. Vege Fish, Tofu with Hot Bean Sauce 豆瓣鱈魚(拌豆腐)
70. Seaweed with Basil 九屠海帶根
71. Vege Shredded Pork with Baby Bamboo 小筍肉絲
72. Shredded Bean Curd with Baby Bamboo 香乾小筍
73. Vege Shredded Pork with Bean Curd 香乾肉絲
74. Chopped Mustard Green with Bean Curd 雪菜香乾絲
75. Vermicelli with Pickled Napa Cabbage 酸白菜粉絲
76. Vege Shrimp with Asparagus 蘆筍蝦仁
77. Vege Fish with Pine Nuts 松子五柳魚
78. Shiitake Mushroom with Sauce 素鱔絲
79. Vege Sausage and Tofu in Hot Pot 五更昌旺
80. Sizzling Tofu 鐵板豆腐
81. Vege Sliced Sausage with Pickled Napa Cabbage 酸白菜面腸
82. Stewed Cabbage Roll and Spinach 如意翡翠捲
83. Vege Kung Pao Shrimp 宮保蝦
84. Vege Shrimp with Broccoli 芥蘭蝦
85. Lotus Root with Snow Peas 雪豆蓮藕
86. Eggplant with Basil 九屠茄子
87. Eggplant with Hot Sauce 魚香茄子
88. Mixed Vegetable and Tofu with Curry Sauce 咖喱素什錦
89. Dry Sauteed Green Bean 乾煸四季豆
90. Vege Squid, Shrimp and Bean Curd with Broccoli 素炒三鮮
91. Sizzling Plate 鐵板三鮮
92. Vermicelli and Spicy Sauce 螞蟻上樹
93. Radish and Egg Pancake 煎菜脯蛋
94. Soft Tofu with Brown Sauce 紅燒豆腐
95. Home Style Fried Tofu with Hot Sauce 家常豆腐
96. House Tofu with Black Bean Sauce 招牌豆腐
97. Vege Basil Kidney and Snow Peas with Shrimp 鴛鴦雙味
98. House Special Spicy Dish 辣炒辣
99. Budda's Feast (Mixed Vegetable with Tofu) 羅漢寶
100. Chopped Mustard Green with Bean Curd Sheet 雪菜毛豆百頁
101. Szechuan Style Tofu 麻婆豆腐
102. Bamboo Fungus with Mustard Green 竹苼扒芥菜
103. Deep Fried Tofu 酥炸豆腐
104. Bailing Mushroom with Snowpeas Leaf 白靈菇扒大豆苗
105. Stir-Fried Snow Pea Leaf 清炒大豆苗
106. Bean Curd Skin and Spinach 上素黃雀
107. Fried Bitter Melon with Salted Eggs 鹹蛋苦瓜
108. Spicy Tofu Pot 水煮豆腐
109. Sliced Bean Curd & Green, Red Pepper and Cabbage with Hot Bean Sauce 素回鍋肉
111. Stir-Fried Celery and Bean Curd 芹菜乾絲
112. Stir-Fried Bean Sprout with Celery 芹菜三絲
113. Bear Paw Tofu 熊掌豆腐
114. Stir-Fried Spinach 清炒菠菜
115. Stir-Fried Mustard Green 清炒小芥菜
116. Stir-Fried Cabbage 清炒包心菜
117. Bailing Mushroom with Mustard Green 白靈菇扒芥菜
119. Stir-Fried Chayote Leaf 清炒龙须菜
120. Black Bean with Chayote Leaf 豆豉龙须菜
121. Stir-Fried Taiwan Squash 清炒丝瓜
122. Bamboo Funus with Taiwan Squash 竹苼丝瓜
123. Yam and Goji Berries withTaiwan Squash 枸杞山药丝瓜
124. Fried Rice with Pineapple 菠萝炒饭
125. Fried Rice with Herb Sauce 香椿炒饭
126. Fried Rice with Black Truffle (Chestnuts, Pinenuts) 黑松露松子炒饭
127. Rice 白饭
127. Porridge 南瓜稀饭
127. Brown Rice 糙米饭
128. Fried Noodle 炒面
129. Sauteed Rice Cake with Vegetable 炒年糕
130. Fried Rice Noodle 炒米粉
131. Fried Rice Noodle with Pumpkin 金瓜炒米粉
132. Fried Rice with Egg 蛋炒饭
133. Chopped Mustard Green Fried Rice with Egg 雪菜蛋炒饭
134. Vege Seafood Noodle with Gravy Sauce 三鲜炝伊面
135. Sizzling Udon with Black Pepper Sauce 铁板黑椒乌龙面
136. Singapore Style Fried Rice Noodle 星洲炒米粉
137. Deep Fried Bread (2pcs) 炸银丝卷
138. Fried Pancake 香椿芝麻饼
139. Crispy Puff Pastry with Almond Tea 酥皮杏仁红茶露
140. Taro with White Jelly Tremella 白果芋泥
141. Deep Fried Rice Ball (10) 炸湯圓
142. Lily Bulb with Asparagus and White Nuts 酒釀芝麻湯圓
143. Sweet Plum Juice 酸梅湯
144. White Peach Oolong Tea (Cold) 白桃烏龍(杯)
145. Osmanthus Oolong (Cold) 桂花烏龍(杯)
146. Tea 茶
146. Hot Tea 熱茶
146. 7 Up 七喜
147. Coke 可樂
148. Diet Coke 健怡可樂
149. Ice Soy Milk 豆奶(杯)
150. Shirley Temple 沙梨譚寳(杯)
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